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How ‘My First Million’ podcast got off the ground as part of a win-win deal?

Shaan met co-host Sam Parr (Founder of The Hustle) in his mastermind group. This was before The Hustle was a newsletter. It was just a conference back then.
At that time, they made a win-win deal. Sam needed a venue for speaker dinner and Shaan wanted to build a high-quality network. So in exchange for Shaan’s nice office space, Sam offered him to meet the dope speakers at his conference.
In 2019, Shaan’s company was getting acquired and he wanted to start something exciting. And, podcast became that something. This time, he made a win-win deal. Shaan could create dope audio content and wanted an audience. Sam already had a huge audience but no audio content.
Shaan promised that he would make great podcast content for free if Sam lets him access to his audience.
To make a no-brainer deal, Shaan even paid $100 to go to a recording studio and record the first episode with high-quality audio. He didn’t want to just ask for distribution but wanted to show Sam that he could deliver great audio content.
Sam was game for it and ‘My First Million’ podcast hit 2M downloads in year 1.
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